By Unknown Tuesday, June 9, 2015 Children's eBooks Fantasy The Sound Catcher - A children's/MG fantasy adventure by Graham Garrity Free to download 8th - 10th June" /Sound-Catcher-Graham-Garrity-ebook/dp/B00RY202FK" /...
By Unknown 7:00 AM Biographies & Memoirs Born Strong - a memoir by Dr. Paul Lam" /Born-Strong-Surviving-Teaching-Millions-ebook/dp/B00VGXV2UW Born in Vietnam, Bon Trong--meaning "born to b...
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By Unknown Monday, June 8, 2015 Action Mystery Thriller Hot Summer Nights, A Detective Mike Eiser Short Story - A mystery/action thriller by Clabe Polk" /Hot-Summer-Nights-Detective-Stories-ebook/dp/B00NTCZ9LQ Flames and embers shot high against the night sky as th...
By Unknown 1:00 PM Action Mystery Thriller Backslide, A Detective Mike Eiser Short Story - A mystery/action thriller by Clabe Polk" /Backslide-Detective-Eiser-short-story-ebook/dp/B00MWDIZFK Mike Eiser is stunned when his friend and mentor, Cha...
By Unknown 10:00 AM Fantasy Mystery Young Adult Will O' the Wisp by C. S. Boyack" /dp/B00UPH6BNS Something evil lurks up Bergamot Holler, and it's targeted Patty Hall. Patty is fifteen years...
By Unknown 8:30 AM Novels Young Adult The Demon Inside - a young adult apocalyptic novel by M L Sparrow" /Demon-Inside-M-L-Sparrow-ebook/dp/B00XK4FB5M Darcy was a perfectly normal eighteen year old girl, enjoying the ...