Book: CHAKRA Centers Chart, Rainbow: Body-Mind-Spirit Connections PDF

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Book: CHAKRA Centers Chart, Rainbow: Body-Mind-Spirit Connections PDF

Free Ebooks: CHAKRA Centers Chart, Rainbow: Body-Mind-Spirit Connections PDF

By Yshkeyna Hamilla

CHAKRA Centers Chart, Rainbow: Body-Mind-Spirit Connections

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“A book is a version of the world. If you do not like it, ignore it; or offer your own version in return.” –Salman Rushdie


8.5 x 11 in.,2-sided,laminated. The only vivid, full Rainbow coded and thorough Chart illustrating and describing the Mental, Emotional, Spiritual, and other qualities associated with the 7 Chakras. The most comprehensive chart available anywhere. This Inner Light Resources Chakra chart (and Inner Light's Reflexology, Aromatherapy, Iridology, and other charts) are used by massage schools, Reiki teachers and other healers across the U.S. and other countries for teaching and healing practices. Col...

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