By Unknown Thursday, June 4, 2015 Paranormal Romance Currents of Change - a paranormal romance by Darian Smith" /Currents-Change-Darian-Smith-ebook/dp/B00U8Q968I Currents of Change is a suspenseful paranormal romance by priz...
By Unknown 9:30 AM Mystery Murder in Nice - a mystery by Susan Kiernan-Lewis" /Murder-Nice-Maggie-Newberry-Mystery-ebook/dp/B00MX1CB3S The French Riviera is the ultimate travel destination…u...
By Unknown 7:00 AM Fantasy Knight Hunter: Vampires - kindle ebook by J.M. Garlock" /Knight-Hunter-Vampires-Book-Infection-ebook/dp/B00P9KVI16 “For once we have a unique concept that ties vampires...
By Unknown Wednesday, June 3, 2015 Erotica Romance Make Me Whole - an erotic romance by R.C. Matthews" /dp/B00YQFQGLM For Jake Hanson, it was the perfect solution to a deep darkness. The accident took more than the ...
By Unknown 11:30 AM Non-Fiction Self help Flexible Dieting Handbook - Diets & Weight Loss Non-Fiction, by James H. Mayfield" /dp/B00Y44TQXU Are you tired of diets that force you to give up your favourite foods? I know that I was. I never...
By Unknown 10:00 AM Thriller Sleepers - A medical thriller by Delena Epstein" /Sleepers-Delena-Epstein-ebook/dp/B00XW4CJXM Author Delena Epstein takes readers into a world of chaos and disas...
By Unknown 8:30 AM Humor The Man Who Couldn't Stop Smoking - a satire by Graeme Ratcliffe LIMITED-TIME DISCOUNT DEAL From 8:00 AM (Pacific Time) Thursday June 4th, discounted to 99 cents for 24 hours. From 8:00 AM (Pacific Time) F...