Sophia's War: The End of Innocence - historical fiction by Stephanie Baumgartner

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Link title : Sophia's War: The End of Innocence - historical fiction by Stephanie Baumgartner

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Sophia's War: The End of Innocence - historical fiction by Stephanie Baumgartner" /Sophias-War-Innocence-Stephanie-Baumgartner-ebook/dp/B00E7KT3HA

FREE: 6/16/2015 - 6/20/2015


Sophia can hardly wait to return to Germany to help her great aunt run the town library, despite her father’s distrust of the National Socialist German Workers’ Party. But Sophia’s not worried; she knows she will be safe with her extended family.

Unfortunately, the beautiful country that she remembers from her childhood visits is almost unrecognizable. Almost every man is in uniform, and everyone she meets seems watchful and secretive. It quickly becomes apparent that Germany is not what it used to be, and neither is her cousin, Diedrich.

Will Sophia return home when Diedrich gives her an ultimatum that defies her conscience? Or will her desire to fulfill her aunt’s wishes keep her in a dangerous foreign land on the brink of war?

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