Title books : Language in the Blood - a funny vampire novel by Angela Lockwood
Link title : Language in the Blood - a funny vampire novel by Angela Lockwood
Language in the Blood - a funny vampire novel by Angela Lockwood
Free Kindle giveaway on the 27th of June!http://bit.ly/2iawz1f" /Language-blood-Book-Angela-lockwood-ebook/dp/B00EMEN1P6
Until the outbreak of the First World War, young Cameron Blair would have liked nothing better than to stay in Edinburgh and marry his childhood sweetheart. As the call to arms goes out, Cameron and his pals sign up to fight for their country. They are soon delivered into the nightmare of war, and there Cameron more than meets his maker.
The story follows Cameron as he comes to terms with his new ‘life’, from his first days as a hapless vampire in war-torn France to the glamorous modern day setting of the Côte d’Azur. Along the way, he develops a distinctive taste for the finer things in life: jewels, yachts, small dogs and champagne-infused human...
This is a different and funny vampire story. Lovers of Yorkshire terriers might want to avoid this book.
Here is what some of the reviewers thought:
5* “Not your typical vampire story. It's well written, funny, enthralling, and entertaining.”
5* “For all you vampire lovers out there LANGUAGE IN THE BLOOD is by far, I will say again, by far, the most unusual vampire book I have ever read. With that said it was a delight to read.”
5* “The author uses humour throughout which had me chuckling aloud a few times.”
5* This story is told by Cameron Blair – a vampire. It is different to other vampire books out there. I know the book Twilight has put a lot of people off vampire books, but Language in the Blood will restore your faith in the genre.”
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