Title books : WE COULD FALL - a literary love story by Kate Moschandreas
Link title : WE COULD FALL - a literary love story by Kate Moschandreas
WE COULD FALL - a literary love story by Kate Moschandreas
http://bit.ly/2iawz1f" /dp/B00THRCMDAGet it today for free on Amazon!
"A smart literary love story!"
WE COULD FALL begins on a September morning when 42-year old Emmy Halperin receives two unexpected pieces of news. Jack, her husband of 22 years, wants to call off their long-planned divorce. Duncan Grier, a famous actor, wants to be her therapy client.
“I’m guessing it could be more complicated seeing me than with your other clients,” is what Duncan says in his first voicemail to Emmy.
It is, indeed, more complicated. In the four short weeks that follow, Emmy must wrestle with her professionalism, her desire and her marriage as she ultimately decides who and what should hold her trust.
"I was riveted from the start, middle and end!"
"WE COULD FALL is a beautiful portrait of a woman at a crossroads in her life and the rewarding human connection she finds along the path." -- Indie Approved, by IndieReader
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